Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Not a great diet day...

I don't really feel all that great today, I don't exactly know what it is but I didn't even get on the scale today. I was craving real food last night and I gave in to the urge and ordered pizza! I ate two slices and 1 and a half bread sticks. I guess if I had to find a silver lining it would be that I didn't eat the whole second slice because I was too full and I ended up giving it to the dogs. But today, I just feel like I am failing at this weight loss. I know 9 lbs is good, but still I think, that's it? I am missing out on normal food and drastically reducing my calorie intake for only 9 lbs in a month??? How much longer will I have to do this? How much longer CAN I do this? I don't feel like my clothes are fitting any different, at times I feel bloated, and I just want to eat some damn fruit every now and then!!

I think I am letting some of the nay-sayers get to me. I had a co-worker that was going to the gym last night and she mentioned that she was starting Weight Watchers. I asked her why she wasn't joining Medifast like the rest of the office and she said that it wasn't all that healthy of a diet. That when you get off of it, you gain all of this weight back. This has been my biggest concern the whole time due to the amount of calories we are allowed to eat and the lack of normal food we are eating. What happens when we go back to eating normal food? I know there is a transition phase that is suppose to help you slowly reintroduce food back into your life and you are not suppose to go back to eating the bad food that helped you get to being a fat ass in the first place, but seriously, if you take it all away and say you can't have any of it, eventually, you will want a taste of it and could possible even over indulge, right?? That's my fear!! I'm a binge eater! Eating in moderation is hard for me...

So can't you see why today is not the best day I've had on this diet?? I didn't want to make matters worse by getting on the scale and seeing that because I had some normal food, I gained weight...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey be steadfast in your desire to be at a healthy weight...remember its not about what foods you are giving up but about the food that you are adding...fruits and vegetables are great..and take diet out of your language...its a lifestyle change...if you revert back to your eating habits and bad exercise habits then you will be back at an unhealthy weight...I too am trying to lose weight (20lbs) and I do not eat pig or cow and rarely eat fish or chicken but when I do its fried which is bad :-(...Ive lost 6lbs in 3 weeks with minimum exercise so I am going to up my exercise...so today was a good day for you..bc you are one day closer to your goals and dont give in..its a lifestyle change but you will get use to it the way you did your old eating habits...
