Friday, January 28, 2011

Body Wrap!

I am addicted to GROUPON! LOL! I purchased an Infrared Body Wrap through Groupon and went and redeemed it yesterday. It was a very interesting experience. You are "wrapped" for 50 mins and the machine is supposed to help shed excess water and toxins through sweat and help you burn up to 1,250 calories! Sounds great right?? Well...not if you don't like being hot!! I was uncomfortable for the 1st 10 mins because I was trying to get used to being so hot. I had to wear long sleeves and long pants as well as socks....then eventually I relaxed and went to sleep. Then I woke up with about 10 mins left and found myself sweating profusely. It was kind-of like a workout...the last 5 mins, I thought I was going to die! I was about to call out to the attendant and tell her to come take me out of that thing. I could not get comfortable to save my life.

When I got out, she told me to get dressed (gross) and meet her up front. She gave me a bottle of water and told me to stay hydrated throughout the night and I was on my way. Did I feel smaller...a little, but maybe that was in my head??? I thought they would have measured me before and afterwards but that didn't happen. Josh said I looked smaller...maybe he's a little bias though! LOL

That damn groupon got me in trouble again I figured since I had 11 points left for dinner that night and just "worked out" I may as well use my Village Burger Bar groupon that expires this week to enjoy the best burger in Dallas!! It was sooo delicious!!

I do feel smaller today though...but I can't weigh myself because Josh hid the damn scale!! The one time he listens to me...SMH! I will get to weigh myself this weekend, so hopefully, I have dropped some weight. 1-2 pounds will make me feel better.

Until next time...

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